On-demand webinar

How to successfully renegotiate with suppliers

The procurement function is constantly under pressure to reduce costs and drive savings across the business. This is especially true during challenging times, where cost reduction is the top priority for most CPOs and CFOs.

Renegotiating the terms with your existing suppliers is a commercial measure that can yield quick and substantial savings. However, a structured process is essential to maximize and ensure sustainable results.

This webinar will cover:

  • Renegotiation and what results to expect (case examples)
  • Six practical tips for a successful renegotiation process
  • A live demo of how our spend management solution drives value in this process

This webinar is suitable for professionals in procurement, SRM/contract management, and finance, as well as others with an interest in the topic.



Sigbjørn Nome

Co-founder & CEO

Mosaira Rhodes

VP of Product

Ready to move away from spreadsheets and work with your suppliers in a responsible way?

Our goal is to empower responsible decision-making by giving you the insights and tools you need to unlock the potential of your supply chain.


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