On-demand webinar
March 27, 2025 12:45

Elevating Procurement from Process to Strategic Value: A Conversation with Robert Byström

Ready to transform your procurement function into a true value creator? Join us on March 27th at 14:00 for an exclusive webinar featuring Robert Byström. Robert, a seasoned procurement leader, has held leadership positions at both SCA and BAE Systems. He is currently building the procurement function from the ground up at Holmen Wood.

In this session, Robert will share:

  • His journey implementing processes across all levels of the procurement maturity curve
  • Proven change management tactics that work in both large multinationals and smaller organizations
  • The importance of soft skills — such as communication, empathy, and patience — in driving meaningful change, and how they can be effectively applied to create real impact.

Drawing on real-world experience, Robert will highlight how you can cultivate strong internal and external relationships, motivate teams, and elevate procurement.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn actionable insights and engage with Robert as we end with a live Q&A.



Sigbjørn Nome

Co-founder & CEO

Robert Byström

Head of Procurement, Holmen Wood

Ready to move away from spreadsheets and work with your suppliers in a responsible way?

Our goal is to empower responsible decision-making by giving you the insights and tools you need to unlock the potential of your supply chain.


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