Ignite + Proceedo

Greater control of your spend and suppliers with Ignite + Proceedo

From strategic planning to everyday purchasing, Ignite and Proceedo seamlessly bridge insights and action. Together, they empower you to drive efficiency, act on opportunities, and achieve your goals faster.
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Ignite + Proceedo

The complete platform for sustainable procurement

Ignite equips strategic procurement teams with the insights they need to drive value, while Proceedo ensures that value comes to life in day-to-day operations.
Complete control over your spend and suppliers
Ignite gives you a strategic overview of your spend and suppliers, connected and enriched with insights on financials, contracts, emissions, and risks.

With Proceedo, bring detailed data on day-to-day purchasing into Ignite, giving you a complete view of your spend and suppliers.
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Uncover insights and act
Ignite helps you drill down into spend by category, business unit, project, or supplier to compare performance and uncover actionable insights. Identify opportunities like increasing contracted spend, saving costs, or mitigating risks.

Proceedo ensures these priorities are integrated into daily operations, turning high-level strategies into action.
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Simplify compliance and sustainability
Ignite delivers baseline estimates for emissions and social risks, providing a clear starting point to understand and address your impact. It helps you prioritize key areas for action and report in line with legislation like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Proceedo brings these insights into purchasing workflows, ensuring alignment with internal sustainability goals.
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Customer success story

How Stena Metall gained full control of spend with Ignite + Proceedo

Discover how Stena Metall used Ignite and Proceedo to gain full control over spend, improve contract compliance, and drive strategic decision-making across the organization.
Stena Metall

Founded in 1939, Stena Metall grew from a local scrap dealer in Gothenburg, Sweden, into a global leader in the circular economy.

Operating across 9 countries with over 4,300 employees, the company faced challenges managing procurement at scale.

They relied on a static database for managing spend. This made it difficult to dive deep into their data and connect it with other key areas, like contracts, supplier assessments, and financial information.

By implementing Ignite, Stena Metall unified their data to gain actionable insights. Integrating Proceedo into Ignite added more granular spend data, enabling effective tracking and optimization of key KPIs like PO share.

Learn how Ignite and Proceedo helped Stena Metall gain greater control of data to manage and act on.

Read their story
"We no longer have to sift through static reports. Ignite dynamically displays updated spend data tailored to each situation. Whether we’re preparing for a supplier evaluation or managing a category, Ignite helps us find and display the data in a way that drives better results.”
Stena Metall

Founded in 1939, Stena Metall grew from a local scrap dealer in Gothenburg, Sweden, into a global leader in the circular economy.

Operating across 9 countries with over 4,300 employees, the company faced challenges managing procurement at scale.

They relied on a static database for managing spend. This made it difficult to dive deep into their data and connect it with other key areas, like contracts, supplier assessments, and financial information.

By implementing Ignite, Stena Metall unified their data to gain actionable insights. Integrating Proceedo into Ignite added more granular spend data, enabling effective tracking and optimization of key KPIs like PO share.

Learn how Ignite and Proceedo helped Stena Metall gain greater control of data to manage and act on.

Read their story
"We no longer have to sift through static reports. Ignite dynamically displays updated spend data tailored to each situation. Whether we’re preparing for a supplier evaluation or managing a category, Ignite helps us find and display the data in a way that drives better results.”
Commonly asked questions


🔗 Learn more about Proceedo here.

Do I need Ignite to use Proceedo?
No, Proceedo works as a standalone solution and can be used independently. However, if you’re already using Ignite, integrating it with Proceedo offers added benefits, like connecting strategic insights with day-to-day purchasing workflows.
What systems can Proceedo integrate with?
Proceedo supports integration with over 60 systems. It works seamlessly with all major ERP systems, as well as financial and BI platforms, ensuring compatibility with your existing tools.
Ready to see Ignite + Proceedo in action?
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