On-demand webinar

How procurement can reduce your company’s carbon footprints

The world has reached a crucial point in the effort to combat the climate crisis. People are becoming increasingly aware of the harmful effects of greenhouse gases and are becoming more willing to take action and address climate change.

But a carbon-neutral supply chain doesn’t just happen on its own — procurement is where it starts.

Companies are actively playing a role in this transition. As of the time of writing this blog, 942 companies have committed to set emissions reduction targets, but surprisingly, most of their climate impact is outside of their direct control in scope 3 emissions.

It is thus important that procurement puts in place structures to measure and manage these emissions to improve energy efficiency and sustainable practices at the supplier level.

In this live webinar you’ll learn:

  • The importance of procurement in reducing carbon emissions
  • Scope 3 emissions—explained, pitfalls of calculation, spend-based approach
  • How to strategize your categories to reduce carbon emissions
  • Professional insight into the sustainable procurement landscape today and tomorrow in different industries

PS. This will be a live webinar where online participants will be able to ask questions in real time.



Sigbjørn Nome

Co-founder & CEO

Børge Langedal

Co-founder & Chief Revenue Officer

Hans-Jorg Robert

Partner, KPMG Norway

Tormod Lysne Voje

Partner, KPMG Norway

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