The sustainable procurement platform for retail & wholesale companies

Gain visibility into your spend with suppliers. From increasing contracted spend and negotiating effectively to tracking emissions, you have everything you need in one place.

Trusted by leading retail & wholesale companies

Tackling procurement challenges in the retail & wholesale industry
High pressure on margins

High pressure on margins and costs is a constant battle, and lack of control over indirect spend can lead to missed savings opportunities.

Lack of spend transparency

Data fragmentation, especially when multiple ERP systems are involved, makes it difficult to get a clear overview of spend and suppliers.

Limited supplier information

Choosing reliable suppliers shouldn’t be a guessing game. Without complete supplier information, you risk delays, poor quality, compliance issues, and unexpected costs.

Scattered emissions data

Data scattered across various systems makes calculating and reporting scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions hard. It complicates your efforts to comply with legislation, reduce emissions, and hit sustainability targets.

Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.

Click For A Surprise

Gain spend visibility and strengthen supplier negotiations with Ignite

Optimize key spend categories, reduce costs, and track emissions for total control of your work.

Manage and optimize your spend categories

Add, harmonize, and consolidate your spend data from multiple ERPs. Ignite’s powerful classification system helps you align your data with existing spend categories and structures, allowing you to manage them effectively.

This enables you to optimize your mix of suppliers within each category, proactively address risks, and more.

Get a complete supplier overview

Find all your suppliers and their essential information in one place to ensure compliance and reduce risk. Conduct internal quality assessments and enrich your suppliers with social or financial risk indices, or custom data sources, to achieve compliance and maintain control.

Screenshot of Ignite payment terms dashboard

Reduce costs and improve working capital

Easily uncover cost-saving opportunities across all spend using ready-made dashboards. Get data-driven insights to consolidate your suppliers, negotiate based on price trends, or reduce working capital.

Increase contracted spend

Centralize all your contracts and frame agreements on Ignite, and combine them with your spend data. With a single source of truth, you can efficiently track contracted spend and compliance across your company.

Visual from the Ignite platform, showing the Contact overview

Track your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions

Using our Greenhouse Gas Protocol-validated methodology, calculate your emissions and comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Identify opportunities to reduce your biggest emissions across suppliers, categories, and projects, and compare your progress year-over-year.

See how Ignite helps companies achieve their goals

“Ignite provides a simple and good overview of our suppliers, including social risk mapping, and takes care of the basic structure needed regarding reporting on the Transparency Act.”

Egil Grendstad
Mersalg Gruppen

“We are astonished by the speed of implementation of the solution and the support provided by the Ignite Procurement team.

We now have the numbers we can trust on our fingertips to make our reporting efficient and insightful, and our decision-making powerful and data-driven.”

Picture of Arndt Romer, head of Purchasing Controlling in SEG automotive
Arndt Romer
Head of Purchasing Controlling,
SEG Automotive

“Ignite was a key part of complying with the Transparency Act and made the work quick and easy to accomplish. I felt confident we could get it done within a defined timeline.”

Katrine Norman Johansen
Head of Procurement,

Customer success story

VITA’s journey to ethical supplier management with Ignite

How VITA used Ignite to get an overview of their suppliers, work with them systematically, and comply with the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven).

VITA offers a wide selection of brands and products sourced from over 1,000 suppliers, with a total of 14,000 product lines. With a complex supply chain, VITA needed to better manage  their suppliers, maintain an ethical supply chain, and comply with Norway's Transparency Act.

As VITA faced challenges mapping their supply chain, transitioning their ERP system, and complying with the impending Transparency Act, they urgently needed a solution.

Learn how VITA used Ignite to navigate their challenges.

Read their story >

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