The sustainable procurement platform for construction companies

Gain visibility into your spend and suppliers across projects, locations, and categories. From tracking contracted spend to reducing risks and emissions, you have everything you need in one place.

Trusted by leading construction teams

Tackling procurement challenges in the construction industry
Lack of transparency across projects

Decentralized, project-based procurement makes it tough to get a clear picture of spend and suppliers, leaving you with less control and unreliable data.

Limited supplier information

Choosing reliable suppliers shouldn’t be a guessing game. Without complete supplier information on their performance, quality, and financial risk, it's hard to ensure they have low bankruptcy risk and meet your quality standards.

Scattered emissions data

Data scattered across various systems makes calculating and reporting scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions hard. It complicates your efforts to comply with legislation, reduce emissions, and hit sustainability targets.

Overlooked indirect spend

Without central coordination, many purchases fall outside contracts and project agreements, leading to missed cost-saving opportunities and more risk.

Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.

Click For A Surprise

The foundation for delivering quality projects on time, on budget, and sustainably

Centralize spend data, minimize risks, and track emissions to better coordinate your projects and leverage synergies.

Unlock greater visibility into your spend

Get a clear overview of your spending across all projects in one place. Consolidate and harmonize data from multiple ERPs and projects, giving you complete control over your spend. Identify cost-saving opportunities and synergies across projects with ease.

Visual from the Ignite platform, showing the Contact overview

Increase contracted spend

Centralize all your contracts and project agreements on Ignite, and combine them with your spend data. With a single source of truth, you can efficiently track contracted spend, payment terms, and compliance across your company and projects.

Get a complete supplier overview

Find all your suppliers and relevant information on Ignite. Evaluate which ones to work with to minimize risk, reduce costs, and achieve compliance.

Collect supplier reviews from your team and enrich your suppliers with social or financial risk indices or custom data sources like StartBANK.

Track your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions

Using our Greenhouse Gas Protocol-validated methodology, calculate your emissions and comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Identify opportunities to reduce your biggest emissions across suppliers, categories, and projects, and compare your progress year-over-year.

See how Ignite helps construction companies achieve their goals

“Ignite stops the drudgery of maintaining and updating complex data sets. It lets us focus on what we do best - discovering areas for improvement, defining strategies, and making data-driven decisions.

Ignite has helped us meet our compliance obligations and emission-reduction goals, and has dramatically boosted our productivity.”

Eyvind A. G. Zetterberg
Procurement Head of Analytics and Business Development,

"Ignite helps us manage our spend, making it easy to work fact-based with procurement across all our business units and categories.”

Ragnar Furru
Vice President of Procurement,
AF Gruppen

“The Scope 3 data from Ignite is helping us shape our climate transition plan, providing insights into which products and services we should focus on to achieve emissions reductions in the future.

Ignite is also helping us build a better understanding between our sustainability and purchasing teams, to make sure we join forces on key challenges such as helping our teams choose greener products.”

Karina Nilsen
Sustainability Manager,

Kundens suksesshistorie

Låste opp et 360-graders bilde av leverandørene2, and more

Hvordan et offshore- og shippingkonsern reduserer leverandørrisiko, overholder Åpenhetsloven og øker effektiviteten med en løsning for innkjøpsanalyse og datahåndtering.

Havila er en kompleks organisasjon med tonnevis av data i forskjellige systemer og formater, og begrenset tid til å behandle dataene.

Havila lette etter en løsning som kunne hjelpe dem med å forbedre effektiviteten og administrere leverandører. Løsningen måtte kunne samle data fra flere systemer og muliggjøre helhetlig leverandørstyring på tvers av konsernet — fra å få en oversikt over innkjøpet til å måle karbonavtrykket.

Se hvordan Havila brukte Ignite til å administrere innkjøpsprosessen på en bedre måte.  

Les historien deres >

Klar for å gå vekk fra regneark og samarbeide med leverandørene deres på en ansvarligere måte?

Målet vårt er å styrke ansvarlig beslutningstakning ved å gi dere innsikten og verktøyene dere trenger for å frigjøre potensialet i verdikjeden deres.


Personvern er viktig for oss, så du har muligheten til å deaktivere visse typer lagring som kanskje ikke er nødvendig for den grunnleggende funksjonen til nettstedet. Blokkering av kategorier kan påvirke opplevelsen din på nettstedet. Mer informasjon

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Disse elementene kreves for å aktivere grunnleggende nettstedfunksjonalitet.

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Disse elementene brukes til å levere reklame som er mer relevant for deg og dine interesser.

Disse elementene lar nettstedet huske valg du gjør (for eksempel brukernavn, språk eller regionen du befinner deg i) og gi forbedrede, mer personlige funksjoner.

Disse elementene hjelper nettstedsoperatøren å forstå hvordan nettstedet fungerer, hvordan besøkende samhandler med nettstedet, og om det kan være tekniske problemer.

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