On-demand webinar

A practical roadmap to procurement savings

One of the challenges for procurement function is a constant pressure to reduce costs and realize savings across the business.

We say procurement has evolved from being just a "savings" to a more "value-contributing" function capable of impacting the bottom line. Still, savings remain the key KPI for measuring procurement performance. 

Why is it so?

Because even for creating and achieving these values for stakeholders, procurement needs robust savings figures first. 

It's, thus, absolutely crucial to have a fact-based approach to procurement costs and utilize insights to set smart priorities and make good decisions.

This webinar will cover:

  • Why procurement analytics is so important for cost optimization
  • A live demo of our spend management solution with examples of best practice analytics for identifying savings opportunities
  • A hands-on representation of how data and analytics enable maximum realization of cost-savings opportunities

This webinar is suitable for professionals in procurement, finance, strategy, business development, and others with an interest in the topic.



Børge Langedal

Co-founder & Chief Revenue Officer

Hanna Miller

Account Executive

Ready to move away from spreadsheets and work with your suppliers in a responsible way?

Our goal is to empower responsible decision-making by giving you the insights and tools you need to unlock the potential of your supply chain.


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