Case Study

Centralizing data with Ignite: NORBIT's path to efficient carbon accounting

Discover how NORBIT leveraged Ignite’s ability to efficiently consolidate and categorize data, reducing their manual workload.

The challenge

NORBIT is a global technology provider on a mission to solve complex challenges through sustainable innovation.

With over 500 team members from over 22 different nationalities, NORBIT operates across multiple countries and is backed by a global sales and distribution platform.

Their sustainability strategy is rooted in the double materiality principle, focusing on the impact of their operations on people and the environment, as well as the financial implications for their business.

As NORBIT continues to grow, they recognize the need for a more effective approach, especially in carbon accounting. With data scattered across various systems and over 10 subsidiaries, bringing it all together in one place for accurate carbon reporting is challenging.

NORBIT also faces increasing demands from both the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and their customers — which makes this a priority.

Initially, NORBIT’s process was manual and time-consuming, particularly when collecting data from various subsidiaries. That’s why NORBIT turned to Ignite.

The solution

Ignite provided NORBIT with the tools to tackle carbon accounting across their subsidiaries effectively.

A standout feature for NORBIT was Ignite’s ability to efficiently consolidate and categorize data, which reduced their manual workload.

To address these challenges, NORBIT leveraged Ignite’s enrichment capabilities using NACE codes to create a structured category system. This approach enabled them to focus on their largest suppliers, categorizing spend data to gain insights into emissions by category.

For their Scopes 1 and 2 emissions, Ignite provided NORBIT a clear overview of what data to request and the specific formats required, which helped streamline the data collection process and ensure accuracy in their carbon accounting.

The spend-based method was another advantage. Ignite helped NORBIT automatically estimate a significant portion of their Scope 3 emissions, connecting these estimates to specific categories. This gave them a solid starting point, which they’re continuously improving by adding more activity data into Ignite over time.

The platform's user-friendly interface made the process even smoother. By categorizing their spend data in the first year, NORBIT ensured that the rules and categorizations would carry over automatically in the future, saving time and maintaining consistency in their reporting.


The combination of Ignite’s scalability, ease of use, and proactive support from the Customer Success team allowed NORBIT to seamlessly integrate the platform into their daily operations. They were able to easily create and share visually appealing, accessible reports and dashboards with internal stakeholders.

NORBIT’s onboarding process was smooth and efficient, with them going from sign-up to fully operational in just 2 months. This set the stage for long-term success in their carbon accounting and sustainability efforts.

The impact

Since implementing Ignite, NORBIT has made significant progress in their carbon accounting and sustainability efforts.

One of the most notable successes is that emissions are now estimated for 99.7% of NORBIT's spend, giving them very high coverage for relevant upstream Scope 3 categories. This coverage has provided NORBIT with a solid baseline of their emissions, allowing them to focus on improving accuracy moving forward.

NORBIT has successfully added activity-based data into 8% of their overall emissions reporting on Ignite since the summer of 2024. While this is still in the early stages, their progress shows their efforts in improving their emissions data and moving beyond spend-based estimates.

The automation of manual processes has saved NORBIT valuable time. Ignite’s structured system has given them a reliable process to follow, getting rid of the need to start from scratch with Excel or other manual methods.

Looking ahead, NORBIT is well-prepared to meet the upcoming CSRD reporting requirements, provide customers with the data they want, and compete effectively in tenders because of the foundation they’ve built with Ignite.


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