Gain visibility into your spend with suppliers. From identifying suppliers to work with to minimizing risks and emissions, you have everything you need in one place.
Project-based purchasing makes it tough to get a clear picture of spend and suppliers, leaving you with less control and unreliable data.
With limited centralized purchasing, many purchases fall outside contracts and frame agreements, leading to missed cost-saving opportunities and more risk.
Choosing reliable suppliers shouldn’t be a guessing game. Without complete supplier information, you risk delays, poor quality, compliance issues, and unexpected costs.
Data scattered across various systems makes calculating and reporting scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions hard. It complicates your efforts to comply with legislation, reduce emissions, and hit sustainability targets.
Click For A Surprise
Centralize spend and supplier data, increase contracted spend, and track emissions for total control of your work.
Get a clear overview of your spend across your company and projects. With Ignite, you can consolidate and harmonize data into one place from multiple ERPs and projects, giving you complete control over your spend.
Centralize all your contracts and frame agreements on Ignite, and combine them with your spend data. With a single source of truth, you can efficiently track contracted spend and compliance across your company and projects.
Find all your suppliers and their essential information in one place to ensure compliance and reduce risk.
Conduct internal quality assessments and enrich your suppliers with social or financial risk indices, or custom data sources like StartBANK, to achieve compliance and maintain control.
Calculate your emissions and comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), with our Greenhouse Gas Protocol-validated methodology.
Identify opportunities to reduce your biggest emissions across suppliers, categories, and projects, and compare your progress year-over-year.
“With 1,500 suppliers and ESG criteria included in our assessments, there’s no way to identify which of our suppliers stand out without a good solution — you need a tool to collect, harmonize, and utilize this information.”
"Ignite provides us with a great overview and rich analytics capabilities, as well as having all data collected in one place — which is the best starting point for actionable analyses and covering all emission categories.
The Ignite platform contains a lot of automation and will make it easier for us to follow up both CO2 emissions and the social risk in the years to come."
“Working with Ignite has been instrumental in our ESG journey.
Ignite is easy to use, and we were able to efficiently calculate our Scope 3 emission estimates. We got valuable insights into our suppliers which helped us focus on areas we needed to work on."
Customer success story
Hurtigruten Group used Ignite to gain valuable insights into their Scope 3 emissions, which helps them work with their suppliers to drive environmental change.
Hurtigruten Group has always been on the forefront of green adventure tourism. Looking to further drive meaningful action, they needed to better understand their Scope 3 emissions over time.
To achieve this, Hurtigruten Group partnered with Ignite. Learn how they used Ignite to gain insights into their emissions, which enabled them to align their ESG efforts with their business strategy and drive environmental change.
Discover how you can gain control of your spend, comply with legislation, and reduce costs, emissions, and risks — all in one intuitive platform.