Ignite Comply

The most effective way to comply with supply chain legislation.

Illustration of graphs and insights showing how you can comply with Ignite

Compliance in one place.

Ignite helps you easily comply with legislation like the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven). You can also measure your emissions and impact on workers in the value chain for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

Trusted by hundreds of procurement & sustainability teams

Logo of Vita

Assess social risk and measure carbon emissions in one place

Measure your emissions and social risks, uncover your biggest areas for improvement, and report for the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven) and CSRD.

All your data in one place

Start with a complete overview of your suppliers and spend data. With Ignite, you can import your data from multiple sources, whether it’s in Excel or your ERP system, such as Xledger and Microsoft Dynamics.

Automatic assessment of your social risk and carbon emissions

Get to a baseline of your Scopes 1, 2, and 3 emission estimates and social risk quickly. By understanding your emissions and risk, you can identify and prioritize your biggest sources.

Enrich your social risk and carbon emissions data

Dig deeper into your biggest sources of emissions and highest-risk suppliers on Ignite.

Easily update emissions with additional activity-based data for more accurate estimates. Collect relevant information from suppliers to uncover human rights risks or violations.

Verified, transparent reporting for auditing

Our carbon accounting methodology follows the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Our approach to the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven) was created alongside Føyen, a law firm, to ensure you comply with the requirements.

The data you use on Ignite are all tracked to the most detailed level for you to deliver to your auditors.

See how Ignite helps companies achieve their goals

“Ignite was a key part of complying with the Transparency Act and made the work quick and easy to accomplish.

I felt confident we could get it done within a defined timeline.”

Katrine Norman Johansen
Head of Procurement,

“Using Ignite, we got an automatic risk assessment of all our suppliers and had our data gathered in one place.

With a flexible system and clear, simple dashboard, we reached our goal effectively.”

Tom Erik Heggedal

“Working with Ignite has been instrumental in our ESG journey.

Ignite is easy to use, and we were able to efficiently calculate our Scope 3 emission estimates. We got valuable insights into our suppliers which helped us focus on areas we needed to work on."

Picture of Tom Arild Trosterud, Vice president Group Procurement at Hurtiruten
Tom Arild Trosterud
Vice President Group Procurement, Hurtigruten

Customer success story

VITA’s journey to ethical supplier management with Ignite

How VITA used Ignite to get an overview of their suppliers, work with them systematically, and comply with the Transparency Act (Åpenhetsloven).

VITA offers a wide selection of brands and products sourced from over 1,000 suppliers, with a total of 14,000 product lines. With a complex supply chain, VITA needed to better manage  their suppliers, maintain an ethical supply chain, and comply with Norway's Transparency Act.

As VITA faced challenges mapping their supply chain, transitioning their ERP system, and complying with the impending Transparency Act, they urgently needed a solution.

Learn how VITA used Ignite to navigate their challenges.

Read their story >

Get to compliance fast with Ignite.

Learn how you can measure your emissions and impact on workers in the value chain in one place to comply with legislation.


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