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How technology can take you to net-zero: Learning from the experts

In today's business climate, companies face many challenges while starting or continuing their sustainable procurement journey.

Chief among them are lack of personnel resources and know-hows. In addition, there is a need to move away from manual, time-consuming emission-tracking work in order to achieve sustainable success.

That's why we're hosting this webinar, where we'll bring in our technology and functional experts, and by the end of it, you'll know:

  • How to calculate your procurement carbon footprint: spend-based approach
  • Different spend-based approaches (industry vs. category) and the most notable pros and cons of each
  • The standardization and granularity of emission factors
  • How to gather data from your suppliers to automate the reasoning process

In this webinar, we'll share a live demo of Ignite and give you the opportunity to ask any questions you might have.

PS. Can't make it to the webinar? Don't worry! You can register for the webinar and we'll send you the recording afterwards. We know how hectic life can be, so we're happy to make this information available to you whenever you want to watch it!



Adrian Stålesen

Product Manager

Dr. Anastasia Lobanova

Director of Science, Climatiq

Mathias Backsæther

Sr Product Manager

Philipp von Bieberstein

Co-founder, Climatiq

Ready to move away from spreadsheets and work with your suppliers in a responsible way?

Our goal is to empower responsible decision-making by giving you the insights and tools you need to unlock the potential of your supply chain.


Personvern er viktig for oss, så du har muligheten til å deaktivere visse typer lagring som kanskje ikke er nødvendig for den grunnleggende funksjonen til nettstedet. Blokkering av kategorier kan påvirke opplevelsen din på nettstedet. Mer informasjon

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Disse elementene kreves for å aktivere grunnleggende nettstedfunksjonalitet.

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Disse elementene brukes til å levere reklame som er mer relevant for deg og dine interesser.

Disse elementene lar nettstedet huske valg du gjør (for eksempel brukernavn, språk eller regionen du befinner deg i) og gi forbedrede, mer personlige funksjoner.

Disse elementene hjelper nettstedsoperatøren å forstå hvordan nettstedet fungerer, hvordan besøkende samhandler med nettstedet, og om det kan være tekniske problemer.

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