
Category strategy template

Information overload is damaging. Lots of details can sometimes cause analysis paralysis and impact your ability to make accurate decisions.

Too much information + lack of insights = no strategy

When lack of strategy meets ever-soaring demands, it becomes difficult for procurement teams to stay laser-focused and document a category strategy with clear and specific goals.

Here, our category strategy template comes to rescue and helps you set out a detailed plan to:

  • Evaluate the current state of your various categories.
  • List the most critical risks that you and your team identify in the categories.
  • Get up to speed on the current market situation by identifying alternative suppliers, their locations, and product/service offerings.
  • Select applicable commercial and/or process levers for the category and specify the feasible alternatives.
  • Decide on and create the appropriate action plan for you and your team.
  • Document the strategy on a "one-pager" where specific goals are detailed, e.g., savings target, number of suppliers, contract lengths, and market complexity.

Using this template, you can follow a matrix-based approach to develop repeatable and sustainable strategies to deliver bottom-line results.

Once you have a well-defined and documented category strategy in place, you can facilitate your team to develop and/or refine potential market approaches and scale benefits.

We have experienced great success by using this template for numerous businesses.

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Our goal is to empower responsible decision-making by giving you the insights and tools you need to unlock the potential of your supply chain.


Personvern er viktig for oss, så du har muligheten til å deaktivere visse typer lagring som kanskje ikke er nødvendig for den grunnleggende funksjonen til nettstedet. Blokkering av kategorier kan påvirke opplevelsen din på nettstedet. Mer informasjon

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Disse elementene kreves for å aktivere grunnleggende nettstedfunksjonalitet.

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Disse elementene brukes til å levere reklame som er mer relevant for deg og dine interesser.

Disse elementene lar nettstedet huske valg du gjør (for eksempel brukernavn, språk eller regionen du befinner deg i) og gi forbedrede, mer personlige funksjoner.

Disse elementene hjelper nettstedsoperatøren å forstå hvordan nettstedet fungerer, hvordan besøkende samhandler med nettstedet, og om det kan være tekniske problemer.

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