We’re proud to announce our rebrand! A new look to better represent Ignite and our mission to empower responsible decision-making.
How advanced analytics can take procurement performances of manufacturing companies, like pharma and life science, to new heights.
This article focuses on challenges organizations face during their transformation from transactional to strategic procurement and shares measures to overcome them.
Based on our experience, we've compiled 6 specific tips that can be helpful in building a modern procurement function.
Adequate insight into your data through procurement analytics is absolutely crucial to identifying cost-reduction opportunities and making smarter decisions.
Learn about the most common procurement risks and the steps you can take to avoid or overcome them.
Strategies for minimizing transaction costs and costs related to the purchase-to-pay (P2P) process.
You can gain more insight from your data than you think! In this article, we take a closer look at the most common sources of spend and procurement data.
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